

UMICO is an Angel Investor in technology and FinTech, we participate and help grow companies in the most exciting fields of technological development.

The world is changing rapidly and technological breakthroughs are happening daily. The world in 10 years’ time will be vastly different from what we know today. The coming together of a large number of new technologies is called Convergence. The interaction between these new technologies strengthens each in turn, bringing forth new possibilities in ever broadening areas of life.


We invest in the implementation of the most promising technologies. Some sound familiar but will do things hardly anyone can yet imagine, some are brand new and seem to come straight out of the world of science fiction. No matter how far ahead these ideas may appear, they will become part of our lives much sooner that most will believe. To name a few of these developments;

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
  • Nano-technolgy
  • FinTech
  • Internet of Things
  • 3D Printing
  • Robotics
  • Block chain technology

The advances in network speed, Big Data capabilities and a general higher level of education and faster communication all lead to an accelerated speed of development in al the above mentioned fields.

UMICO not only tracks all these developments closely but selects and invests in some truly unique companies and teams. This ranges from pure Angel investing to Venture Capital co-funding. We work closely with management to grow companies and create value.

Some of the companies we work with:


Jungle AI logo



vsp logo



wonder logo


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